AJ&VG Media


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Vocational Training – Brand alone does not impact a buy!

India has seen a very traditional approach towards learning. We have been following rote learning principles which is a widely used memorization technique based...

Campus Memoir

From the valley of Western Ghats to the Silicon Valley of India, life has just moved on as fast as a supersonic aircraft. Looking...

Flip – “The Educational System”

Today’s public educational system was designed during the Industrial revolution (1750 to 1850) to cater to the needs of the Industry. Earlier people used...

The odd man out

Few years ago G one of my colleagues and his 5 year old daughter Sonia and his neighbors son Akhil about six years old...

Essentials while choosing an Educational Institute

There is an old saying “You are whom you are with”. This exactly says that the quality of your education also depends on who...


The Ultimate Guide for Small and Medium Businesses Moving to the Cloud

The Flexera 2024 State of the Cloud Report reveals...

Cracking the User Code: How Iterative Refinement Unlocks Product Success 

In the fast-paced world of product design, staying ahead...

Transforming Customer Experiences: The Impact of AI in Contact Centers

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, customer expectations are higher...

How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Logistics and Supply Chain Management

In a rapidly evolving world where technological advancements are...