
The Limitations of Academic Textbooks

A Visually Stimulating New World through Augmented and Virtual Reality. This past week, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s TV-2 News did a great story on the transition in...

Leveraging Macro Trends for Corporate Higher Education Strategy

Transforming tuition assistance programs (TAP) There are major trends and shifts taking place within higher education.  These trends are equivalent to big long waves that can last...

Augmented and Virtual Reality Reaching Full Bloom

Since 1948 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives has been the gold standard of classifying educational goals for student performance evaluationeffective outcomes of education and...

Telecom Industry: Key Drivers for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation (DT) refers to the use of digital technologies for improving business processes, and activities. Today, business executives in many industries are using...

Cyber security incidents highlight revenue opportunities for carriers

In today's reality, cyber crime and cyber security is no longer confined to Hollywood material. It has real world impact, which if uncontained, can...


