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Connecting to the Cloud to Improve Operations with IIoT

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is a hot topic, but there seems to be much confusion as to just what bottom line benefits...

Telecom Industry: Key Drivers for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation (DT) refers to the use of digital technologies for improving business processes, and activities. Today, business executives in many industries are using...

Could Impact Sourcing be the next Global hiring trend?

The Business Process Outsourcing industry (BPO) is undergoing a transformation that could soon be adopted by other industries.  Many BPO companies are now implementing...

The Permanently Connected Car

Just who’s car is it anyway? I spent some time last week at the RSA Security conference in San Francisco. There were lots of interesting...

Cyber security incidents highlight revenue opportunities for carriers

In today's reality, cyber crime and cyber security is no longer confined to Hollywood material. It has real world impact, which if uncontained, can...


The Ultimate Guide for Small and Medium Businesses Moving to the Cloud

The Flexera 2024 State of the Cloud Report reveals...

Cracking the User Code: How Iterative Refinement Unlocks Product Success 

In the fast-paced world of product design, staying ahead...

Transforming Customer Experiences: The Impact of AI in Contact Centers

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, customer expectations are higher...

How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Logistics and Supply Chain Management

In a rapidly evolving world where technological advancements are...