Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
A Visually Stimulating New World through Augmented and Virtual Reality. This past week, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s TV-2 News did a great story on the transition in education through the eyes of professors and students who are using...
Transforming tuition assistance programs (TAP) There are major trends and shifts taking place within higher education.  These trends are equivalent to big long waves that can last for a decade or more and they favor corporations who have...
Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
Since 1948 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives has been the gold standard of classifying educational goals for student performance evaluationeffective outcomes of education and engagement. The original taxonomy was created by psychologist Benjamin Bloom and...
Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
Receiving and Validating the Greatest IT Value As a Chief Information Officer (CIO) for over 15 years in multiple industries, I have never been more convinced of the value of peer benchmarking and peer reviews. Considering...
Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
I have long been an advocate of helping the global education environment through transformative technology. From designing a recent campus-wide augmented and virtual reality solution for a Global Learning Center, to the Educational Positioning System...
Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
When there are more questions than answers – it's time to start leading The years 2014 - 2016 has revealed that the ERP system landscape known as that Student Information System (SIS) has quickly changed. In...
Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
A Global Computing Environment in Development In 1986 I was part of a team of ten engineers installing a Cray Research Supercomputer (Cray X-MP 48) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado....
I am an advocate for online education.  At the same time, I am an academic technology administrator by trade.  While living in the academic technology world, I also teach online classes on a regular basis....
Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
Understanding the transformational impact Virtual Reality (AR) and Augmented Reality (VR) are tremendous technology and media advancements with a transformational impact in education, industry, sports, and entertainment. VR and AR are inverse reflections of each another...
Accelerating Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge and intelligence moving at the speed of light I recently shared the power of digital electrons floating through space to a group of students and leading professors. Even though the audience were all users of...