Time for a systematic change to the résumé

Michael Mathews Oral Roberts University
Michael L. Mathews, CIO, Oral Roberts University

From the CARFAX to the EDUFAX

The job résumé to apply for jobs has been around for 500 years.  The first official résumé was actually designed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1482.  Unfortunately, all the available technology, analytics, and metrics have not yet improved the 500-year old system that most people and companies dislike.

Match.com, eHarmony, CARFAX and many other profile applications have made dating and car selection as simple as paying $39 – $150K to get a personalized fit. Behind the scenes of CARFAX, Match.com, and eHarmony is 20-years of sophisticated programming to provide precise decision-making reports.  The CARFAX allows a purchaser to determine more information about a car than what is on the title and registration. The CARFAX crunches all the data and history of the car so the buyer of the vehicle has more detailed decision making data to make the best choice. In much the same way eHarmony creates a very selective process to ensure that there is a ‘best-fit’ for all the data within the eHarmony analytical system to make highly probable matches.

Over the past 20-years, enough data and mathematical algorithms have been generated to ensure we can make a better date, mate, and car selections. However, after 500 years we are still fussing and playing a guessing game with the livelihood of people when aligning them for the best job placement. Recently, there are some significant breakthroughs with aligning students to education and career pathways on a national scale. As an example, Lumerit Education has developed a national registration office that allows the design of a guided educational pathway across 500+ colleges – at the lowest cost and the most efficient pathway to a degree.

The ability for companies and potential employees to connect for the best fit can be accomplished in the same style that CARFAX and eHarmony connect people to cars and people. Below is the first draft of the replacement or possible supplement to the résumé to provide best-fit for employees and companies. The replacement is called EDUFAX RésuméBuilder. All the data in the templates are available and usable to help experienced professionals align with the perfect job opening. In addition, a company may choose to leverage the template as a means to make sure all candidates applying for a job are being compared in a systematic manner.

Surely, the workplace could and should be on par with the dating game and car industry. As you review the example you will quickly notice the method in which all the important aspects of hiring an employee are seen in a quantifiable manner. Imagine having 50 people applying for the same job and the mathematical algorithms and employee data within the EDUFAX allow the interviewing manager to quickly compare all 50 candidates.

Designed by Michael L. Mathews

Michael L. Mathews
CIO, Oral Roberts University


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