The Rhythmic Brain through Geo-technologies

Accelerating Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge and intelligence moving at the speed of light

I recently shared the power of digital electrons floating through space to a group of students and leading professors. Even though the audience were all users of smart phones and modern day wireless connections at their favorite coffee shops, they did not realize the power of ‘all things’ digital and circular. I shared the following aspects of electrons with the audience who have toured Oral Roberts University’s new Global Learning Center.

  1. An electron is the size of 1-billioneth of the smallest atom.
  2. A digital electron can transfer into thin air at the speed of 124,000 to 186,000 miles per second.
  3. An electron can hit every square mile of the earth in less than 18 seconds.
  4. An electron can be carried and text message between two containers of liquid without any power connected to those two containers.
  5. The digital electrons carrying educational information can be delivered anywhere in the world, who has ORU’s digital signal to receive it on their smartphone.
  6. The digital electrons learning ORU’s Global Learning Center can transmit the equivalent of 418 300-page books evert second of the day

All the above-mentioned points are possible as the air we breathe operates in a digital transmitting cosmos. This means that electrons can move through the air and be ‘attenuated’ with wireless antennas to move at rates close to the speed of light. Combining the digital transmission rates with technologies such as augmented and virtual reality allow us to transfer, knowledge and intelligence in a non-ending circular fashion; around the world.  With the state-of-the-art capabilities of the Global Learning Center, we have demonstrated the instantaneous teleportation with people from other parts of the world — who are simply connecting to through our digital transmission. Without appearing as ‘mystical’ we have beamed in people from multiple rooms from multiple devices at the same time. In addition, we have demonstrated augmented reality much like Pokémon Go from an academic perspective, which can be accessed anywhere in the world by EON Reality. Oral Roberts University and EON Reality’s academic and enterprise edition of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AVR) allow digital electrons to be placed on a piece of paper or email and sent anywhere in the world to decode over 7,000 academic learning objects. This video sample demonstrates this capability.

After 12 years of working at Cray Research and 12 years at SunGard Data Systems, people naturally assume that I am some sort of data genius. After basking in the few short moments of people thinking I am a genius, I share the reality of what may have been known for years. After reviewing the quotation below by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1926, you may conclude that his vision of geo-related technology including wireless, would surely classify him as heretic even in the year 2017.

It may not seem possible, however, Nikola Tesla envisioned the Internet of Things (IoT) before the first world-wide-web connection was even referred to as the Internet.  He completely wrapped his visual mind on the scientific discoveries that just allowed me to demonstrate the phenomenal break-thru aspects of Oral Roberts University’s Global Learning Center.

Until recently, current discoveries with technological advances could not allow most humans to understand the things envisioned in 1926, let alone the things mentioned thousands of years ago. People could not believe as they could not visualize them, touch them, or see them in action.  However, the words were chosen by Tesla “When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole,” actually describe the Internet-of-Things.  It is important to note that one of Tesla’s other statements which allow us to see where his head was at, was “If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.” The full aspects of wireless broadcast technology, the Internet, and digital electrons all relate to energy, frequency, and electrical vibrations.

Summary:  It is exciting to realize that the world is ready to experience new discoveries, as well as reveal discoveries, are known thousands of years ago that relate to the energy, frequency, and vibrations of the earth’s cosmos which Tesla mentioned.

These revelations and discoveries of global connectedness have ignited the innovative efforts at Oral Roberts University. We have defined and now trademarked a new concept related to reaching all the world with new paradigms in technology advancements.

  • ORU Geonetics – The study and analysis of digital phenomena that aligns and connects people via geospatial and global information systems on a global scale to improve the education and well-being of humanity.

The latest geospatial intelligence, the Internet-of-Things, alongside Augmented, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence morphing into ‘Mixed Reality’ will literally transform the methods in which society can access education, knowledge, and intelligence. The whole of the earth being rhythmically connected is Tesla’s vision come true. However, if we look back thousands of years ago, the same concept of energy, frequencies, and vibrations are described in ancient Bible writings by King David when he stated “Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world… It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.

The word ‘circuit’ that was used thousands of years ago allows us to see the connectedness of all the technologies that would eventually be discovered and revealed. We are truly living, working, and discovering in the greatest of time.  This connectedness through geo-technologies will truly provide a rhythmic brain that sheds new knowledge and intelligence at the speed of light.

Michael L. Mathews,
Chief Information Officer,
Oral Roberts University.


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