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Critical IT Project? – Your Assurance of Success

Using a System Integrator Larger or more complex implementations often require a system integrator (SI); the SI brings skills and training in vendor-specific technologies...

The Augmented Reality of Retail

In retail technology innovation, we have concentrated on how to pivot critical systems like inventory, supply management, and store operations. Our mission was to...

The Challenge of Delivering Online Video: The Factors You Didn’t Know Affect Quality  

The world is witnessing a tremendous shift in the modalities through which media is consumed. The next time you are at a mall or...

Technology within the trucking industry

When most people look at a big truck on the highway, they see a massive combination vehicle with a huge grill, protruding smoke stacks,...

Driver Safety Increases Productivity

It seems nearly every day a new gadget hits the market, designed to make us better, fitter, more productive and happier humans. Optimization-related tech...


The Ultimate Guide for Small and Medium Businesses Moving to the Cloud

The Flexera 2024 State of the Cloud Report reveals...

Cracking the User Code: How Iterative Refinement Unlocks Product Success 

In the fast-paced world of product design, staying ahead...

Transforming Customer Experiences: The Impact of AI in Contact Centers

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, customer expectations are higher...

How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Logistics and Supply Chain Management

In a rapidly evolving world where technological advancements are...