Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Just who’s car is it anyway? I spent some time last week at the RSA Security conference in San Francisco. There were lots of interesting ideas floating around on many security topics, but one short presentation...
In today's reality, cyber crime and cyber security is no longer confined to Hollywood material. It has real world impact, which if uncontained, can escalate on an unprecedented scale in a matter of hours. The...
The long-going debate: Who is responsible for Cybersecurity? Is it the CISO? Is it the CIO? Is it legal or the CFO, as the cost of the breach, is becoming a larger piece of the...
Todd Simpson
In the last 18 months, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has placed great emphasis on strategic information technology planning. In 2015, the Office of Information Management and Technology (OIMT) developed a three-year IT Strategic...
As we saw when the theft of $19M from the Russian Central Bank made news recently, the cyber world has become a dangerous arena where most anything goes, and we see companies, governments, and others...
There are some scary ideas out there. Last week I watched a webinar on enterprise cyber security and related threats. If you follow this area of the business world, you’ll be aware of the multiplicity...
If you’re a global business, you’re probably aware that the consumer and business data protection and privacy frameworks in place around the world vary a lot. There’s and increasing tendency to require citizen-related data to...
The human immune system is a wonderful thing. In an environment where there are thousands of types of cells doing a wide variety of specialized things, it’s generally able to detect when something out of...
Unless you’re a corporate lawyer or outside counsel for an online business that hosts third party content, you probably have never heard of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, part of the mammoth 1996...