The COVID 19 pandemic has brought healthcare providers and health systems to an unprecedented turning point, and its impact is likely to continue. Since drug availability determines part of treatment, from hospital beds' availability to...
  One small shift for education, one giant leap for humanity In 1969 when Astronaut Neil Armstrong took America’s first step on the moon, he uttered the statement, ‘One small step for man, one giant leap...
There are several different types of contracts related to the healthcare sector, and most of it needs to meet regulatory compliance. It can create a tedious and challenging operational nightmare due to various dynamic factors;...
The impact of data-driven healthcare upon the patient care decision process via accurate, real-time, reliable data from different sources is at the heart of the digital revolution in the healthcare sector. Physician groups, nursing facilities, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals,...
What Jeff Bezos and Dr. Sheila Riley Have in Common ? The Covid-19 pandemic continues to prove that education transformation is being embraced. This past week incredible news broke out on two fronts within education. The...
Providers and health care systems lose an average of $30K+ for a single primary care provider every month when there is a delay in provider enrollment. For specialty care, the losses are even more staggering. Enrolling...
One of the top listed challenges for the healthcare sector in 2020 is regulatory changes and compliances. It has a high impact on contracting, credentialing, and the overall patient experience if one fails to meet the standards....
A Fresh Day for Education Systems Victor Hugo stated the famous words that have been proven over time 'All the forces of the world cannot stop an idea that has come its time.' Victor's quote written in...
Covid-19: Making History in Education In 2007, I was privileged to sit next to Admiral John Ryan, former Chancellor for the State University of New York.  Dr. Ryan waited for everyone to get up from the...
1.Business Process Management 4.0 – Definition and Value Global research shows: over 75% of organizations have started their digital transformation .  They plan to use digital solutions to meet their goals and enable values like agility,...
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