One small shift for education, one giant leap for humanity In 1969 when Astronaut Neil Armstrong took America’s first step on the moon, he uttered the statement, ‘One small step for man, one giant leap...
What Jeff Bezos and Dr. Sheila Riley Have in Common ? The Covid-19 pandemic continues to prove that education transformation is being embraced. This past week incredible news broke out on two fronts within education. The...
A Fresh Day for Education Systems Victor Hugo stated the famous words that have been proven over time 'All the forces of the world cannot stop an idea that has come its time.' Victor's quote written in...
Covid-19: Making History in Education In 2007, I was privileged to sit next to Admiral John Ryan, former Chancellor for the State University of New York.  Dr. Ryan waited for everyone to get up from the...
1.Business Process Management 4.0 – Definition and Value Global research shows: over 75% of organizations have started their digital transformation .  They plan to use digital solutions to meet their goals and enable values like agility,...
I stand amazed at the impact that Augmented and Virtual Reality (AVR) has had in the past three years. Early predictions of AVR were optimistic yet skeptical. After two years of putting AVR into the...
There’s been a lot of hype and noise over the past couple of years regarding the need for “Digital Transformation” — to such an extent that some observers have already labeled it “dead” and begun...
CIOs are forming alliances with technology startup companies to harness their research and development capabilities, agility and cultural advantages. This is the first of two articles on CIOs partnering with early-stage companies. The initial installment covers...
University's successful student fitness program 'is ahead of the curve' Fitbits are a good fit at Oral Roberts University, and among millennials, says the man who launched the project that put the popular fitness data recording...
From the CARFAX to the EDUFAX The job résumé to apply for jobs has been around for 500 years.  The first official résumé was actually designed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1482.  Unfortunately, all the available technology, analytics,...
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