Augmented and Virtual Reality Reaching Full Bloom

Since 1948 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives has been the gold standard of classifying educational goals for student performance evaluationeffective outcomes of education and...

The Value of Benchmarking and Peer Reviews

Receiving and Validating the Greatest IT Value As a Chief Information Officer (CIO) for over 15 years in multiple industries, I have never been more...

The Perfect Tipping Point for Education Transformation

I have long been an advocate of helping the global education environment through transformative technology. From designing a recent campus-wide augmented and virtual reality...

The State of ERP Systems in Education

When there are more questions than answers – it's time to start leading The years 2014 - 2016 has revealed that the ERP system landscape...

Quantum Entanglement or Mysterious Action at a Distance?

A Global Computing Environment in Development In 1986 I was part of a team of ten engineers installing a Cray Research Supercomputer (Cray X-MP 48)...
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