Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Neelam Chavan Provider Enrollment - HumaneBITS
Providers and health care systems lose an average of $30K+ for a single primary care provider every month when there is a delay in provider enrollment. For specialty care, the losses are even more staggering. Enrolling...
Concred contract and credentialing
The COVID 19 pandemic has brought healthcare providers and health systems to an unprecedented turning point, and its impact is likely to continue. Since drug availability determines part of treatment, from hospital beds' availability to...
Many within the healthcare industry are somewhat hesitant about using the Cloud and Cloud services. Its understandable why given the tremendous amount of regulation healthcare faces and the responsibility we bear of protecting our patients’...
Concred contract and credentialing
The impact of data-driven healthcare upon the patient care decision process via accurate, real-time, reliable data from different sources is at the heart of the digital revolution in the healthcare sector. Physician groups, nursing facilities, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals,...
Concred contract and credentialing
There are several different types of contracts related to the healthcare sector, and most of it needs to meet regulatory compliance. It can create a tedious and challenging operational nightmare due to various dynamic factors;...
Half a century ago, a pacemaker was the size of a hockey puck. Today, it's smaller than a AAA battery. New pioneering technologies are on the horizon thanks to the continued commitment for improved medical...
Security is a top priority for every organization, especially for the healthcare industry. According to Ponemon Institute, 91 percent of practices have suffered at least one data breach in the past two years. Protecting medical...
Architectural, or engineering, principles are the cornerstone of the Enterprise Architecture. IT organizations cannot effectively design an efficient architecture without such guiding principles, nor can it enforce an architecture that is out of congruence with...
For the past 5-10 years there have been many mega trends in IT; Big Data, Machine Learning, Cloud, the Internet of Things, and the one that catches them all… digital. I started my career at Digital...
Concred contract and credentialing
One of the top listed challenges for the healthcare sector in 2020 is regulatory changes and compliances. It has a high impact on contracting, credentialing, and the overall patient experience if one fails to meet the standards....