Friday, June 28, 2024

Media – Brand Wars

In fierce marketing wars sometimes one vanquishes the other which is natural and brand wars is not new for us. Over the years we...

Generative AI: Shaping the Future of the Creator Economy

In today's digital landscape, the convergence of technology and creativity is reshaping industries at an unprecedented pace. Nowhere is this more evident than in...

The Limitations of Academic Textbooks

A Visually Stimulating New World through Augmented and Virtual Reality. This past week, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s TV-2 News did a great story on the transition in...


Marketing for Founders - EP1

Marketing for Founders - EP2

Marketing for Founders - EP3

Marketing for Founders - EP4

Artificial Intelligence for Real-time results

Imagine a world where technology does not just promise, but delivers. This is the realm of Artificial Intelligence, where machines are not just tools for the future, but partners in the present. Artificial Intelligence is...

Cloud Migration and Security: A Growing Priority in 2024

For businesses moving more data offsite, the security of their information is paramount. Recognizing this growing concern, Gartner has reported that 80% of CIOs plan to increase spending on cyber/information security in 2024. This...

Strategic Brilliance: Elevating Tech Businesses with a Video-Centric Content Strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, establishing a strong online presence is paramount for success. A well-crafted content strategy can be the linchpin, and in the digital age, video has emerged as a dynamic and engaging medium to communicate complex ideas. In this article, we explore the power of video content and outline a comprehensive strategy for tech businesses to captivate audiences and foster brand growth. Understand Your Audience The foundation of any successful content strategy is a deep understanding of your target audience. For tech businesses, this involves recognizing the knowledge level, preferences, and pain points of your audience. Tailoring video content to address specific issues or showcase innovative solutions...

The Economic Force of Generative AI: Transforming Marketing Automation

In this era of rapid technological advancement, we find ourselves amidst a seismic shift in marketing. It's not just about appealing visuals and catchy...

Check out other categories:

 How Mobility is Altering the Contingent Workforce Management Landscape

Over the past several years, the workforce has dramatically evolved in parallel with the...

 How Mobility is Altering the Contingent Workforce Management Landscape

Over the past several years, the workforce has dramatically evolved in parallel with the technologies that support both a mobile and connected workforce.  Today's "mobile workforce" is growing exponentially, and the rise in...

Please explain

If you’re a global business, you’re probably aware that the consumer and business data protection and privacy frameworks in place around the world vary a lot. There’s and increasing tendency to require citizen-related...

Inside Nykaa: Falguni Nayar’s Blueprint for Beauty Success

The word Nykaa in Sanskrit means 'the one in the spotlight'. The Indian Beauty and Personal Care company has...

Deepfake technology: Challenges and Opportunities in India

In 2023, India found itself at a crossroads between...

Accelerating Innovation to Deliver the Impossible in Education

Covid-19: Making History in Education In 2007, I was privileged...

Generative AI and Its Impact on the Sports Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force across...

Generative AI: Shaping the Future of the Creator Economy

In today's digital landscape, the convergence of technology and...

Evaluation of a Learning Environment

Introduction This article aims to address the new trend of Web 2.0 technologies and other online social media specifically focusing on educational sector. The infusions...

Driver Safety Increases Productivity

It seems nearly every day a new gadget hits the market, designed to make us better, fitter, more productive and happier humans. Optimization-related tech...

Technology within the trucking industry

When most people look at a big truck on the highway, they see a massive combination vehicle with a huge grill, protruding smoke stacks,...

The odd man out

Few years ago G one of my colleagues and his 5 year old daughter Sonia and his neighbors son Akhil about six years old...

Pressure cooking the next generation!

Sharing a letter which I have posted to the chairman of a large school chain. Dear Mr.X, This letter comes to you as a token of...

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